Blade Signs for Your West Palm Beach Medical Center
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Outfitting your health care facility with the right type of signage assists patients, caregivers, and visitors with way-finding. This practice, in turn, prevents frustrations and feelings of helplessness, which is crucial within in a medical setting. For the operator of the facility, the installation of the right directional signage results in higher productivity and a reduction of erroneous room selections, missed appointments and equipment delivery mistakes. Blade signs for medical centers in West Palm Beach, FL, are among the most versatile products in this setting.
Box Cabinet or a Flat Design?
You have options from the get-go. For starters, consider whether you want the signage to be capable of lighting up. Lit blade signs are a familiar sight in medical offices where multiple exam rooms feature numbers. Lighted numbers indicate an occupied room. For a medical office building, the installation of box cabinets with light sources allow for after-hours illumination of way-finding markers that indicate the locations of the restrooms, exits, elevators and similar much sought-after destinations.
A flat blade design eliminates the lighting option but still provides your facility with a professional directional product. Both signage options offer the selection of two-sided displays, which increases the functionality of the signs. Other design details include end caps made from brushed metal, acrylic facings featuring marbled accents and three-dimensional style elements to enhance the visual appeal of the products.
Where would you Mount Sign Blades?
Consider the foot traffic in your hallways. Are there areas that are routinely busy? Wall-mounted signs at eye height are excellent for areas where there is not so much foot traffic that the displays may be obscured by the volume of passersby. This may not work for your corridors. Taking advantage of the mounting heights that place the products above the heads of everyone in the hallway, you allow for clear visibility of directional markers at all times. Examples abound.
- Waiting room location. Do not allow patients to wander the maze of offices and treatment rooms. Make the direction to the waiting room – and exit – clear with wall-mounted blade signs.
- Restrooms. Identify the location of the bathrooms with blade markers that not only provide the printed message but also feature symbols for easy recognition. Medical facilities that require patients to wear specialty gear for exams and tests benefit from also highlighting locker rooms where those undergoing evaluations may leave their valuables.
Department information. Arriving on the right floor is half the battle. Next, the patient needs to find the right office or even just locate the information desk. This signage product allows for quick recognition of a good starting point for the treatment.
Ordering Blade Signs for Hospitals in West Palm Beach, FL
Discuss your signage needs with the professionals at Stellar Signs & Graphics. Our experts work with you to find a look that fits into the interior décor of your facility while also providing you with the desired level of functionality. Opt for standard blade designs or let our graphic artists design customized products that bespeak the overall atmosphere you are creating at your venue. Contact us today to get started on your project.
Tags: Blade Signs for Hospitals West Palm Beach FL, Blade signs for medical facilities West Palm Beach FL, Room and Suite Signs for Medical Centers West Palm Beach FL
Categorised in: Blade Signs, Door and Department Signs, Hospital Signs
This post was written by Bonnita Calhoun