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24 Jun 2016

Box Truck Graphics for Retail Stores in West Palm Beach FL

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Located at 8305 Garden Road, Onesole is a company with a unique footwear concept: interchangeable shoes. A total of 20 sole bases allows customers to accessorize with more than 3,000 different tops. Choose from flat bottoms with a one-inch heel all the way up to soles with heels sporting a five-inch height. Mix and match tops according to your mood, color preference or simply to wear something a little different. When this business needed its generic-looking box truck treated to brand the company and be in step with the product’s pizzazz, the management team contacted our experts for assistance.

Box Truck Graphics for Retail Stores in West Palm Beach FL

Box Truck Graphics for Retailers in West Palm Beach FL

Doing business in the local area calls for an approach that embraces the West Palm Beach vibe. Bright colors, energetic appearances and a fun way to show off what makes a business unique are all part of the look that we wanted to give Onesole. We used the white color of the truck’s exterior as the backdrop for a colorful display that highlights the sheer versatility of the product. With the company’s name and logo at the center, the tagline to the left and the website address to the right, we framed the outline of the truck with tops in different colors. The resulting display is eye-catching and fun.

What Does Your Truck Say About Your Store?

In the past, truck graphics were not something most retailers focused on. Instead, they would spend more time on in-store and façade displays. With a more mobile consumer demographic that now has the power to research products on the spot with smartphones, it makes plenty of sense to have even the delivery vehicles show off excellent graphics.

  • Branding. Help customers to become aware of your brand. No matter how well liked your product is, you can never have too many consumers who know about your business. This applies in particular to stores that do business online as well as via brick and mortar locations.
  • Marketing. If you are just starting out, there is no better way of introducing large groups of prospective buyers to your product than by showing it off larger than life on the side of a truck. Combined with your name, logo and website address, you succeed in becoming a player in the local retail market even as a start-up.
  • Product knowledge. Generating a need among buyers only works when you show them a product to covet. Take a page from the playbook of Onesole, which shows off various soles with a stunning array of tops. It is not surprising that fashionable West Palm Beach residents think through their footwear collection and perhaps notice that there is still something missing – after spotting the truck. Achieve something similar with your products simply by presenting them to motorists and pedestrians as an image on a vehicle.

Of course, if you stick with a plain white box truck for your deliveries, the vehicle will not say anything about your business, and you miss countless advertising opportunities.

Discussing Your Graphics Package with the Experts

If we have inspired you to take a closer look at commissioning box truck graphics for retail stores in West Palm Beach FL, contact our visual artists for assistance. Well versed in the art and science of graphic design, branding, and marketing, these experts help you to put together a look that uniquely identifies your company and its products.

box truck graphics for retail stores in West Palm Beach FL


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This post was written by Bonnita Calhoun

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